
KJ Charles is a writer and freelance editor. She lives in London with her husband, two kids, an out-of-control garden and an increasingly murderous cat.

KJ writes mostly romance, gay and straight, frequently historical, and usually with some fantasy or horror in there.

Find her on Twitter @kj_charles or on Facebook, join her Facebook group, or email kjcharleswriter[at]gmail.com. She is represented by Deidre Knight at The Knight Agency, and published by Samhain and, in 2015, Loveswept (Penguin Random House).

rainbow award



KJ is proud to be an organiser and participating author in Queer Romance Month.



14 thoughts on “About

  1. I hope this isn’t inappropriate; we’ve interacted a bit on Twitter and I’m curious about the fiction-editing world (freelance or otherwise). I don’t want to waste your time, but if you’d be willing to chat briefly via email I would greatly appreciate it. In any case, thank you for your interesting posts and your marvelous, marvelous writing!

  2. Hi KJ,
    I saw this pre-order title on kobo.com for Aug 11, 2015. Is this yours, any more details on it?
    A Fashionable Indulgence: A Society of Gentlemen Novel

    • It certainly is. That’s book 1 of the Regency trilogy I’ve sold to Loveswept. A dandy helping a young Radical turned gentleman fit into polite society. Blurb and cover are underway!

  3. Hi KJ I am a recent fan of your flight of magpies series having found it via the short story Remnant. I love your books and I was just wondering if you have a newsletter or anything so I can keep up with new releases and such. Thanks!

    • I don’t. I should, shouldn’t I? I will try to get that organised. If you’re on Twitter or Facebook i’m there (@kj_charles), and here. And, uh, Jackdaw releases tomorrow of course… 🙂 Thank you for asking, I really appreciate it!

  4. Hi KJ,
    Just following up on A Fashionable Indulgence- is it still on? I asked because a week or so ago I saw a book with pretty much the same cover and thought -geez, did KJ changed her mind or is this a coincidence? anyway let me know. I have the pre-ordered version on my wish list at ARe. If it’s still on, will it come out in epub as well?

  5. Hi! I’m a huge fan of your books and they’re always an insta-buy for me :). I really loved Think of England, and I was wondering if you had any plans in the future to revisit Daniel and Archie? I think their story was so special and I’d love to see more of them.

    • Oh, thank you! That’s lovely to know. I do have a sequel planned but it won’t be till next summer, for contractual reasons. But it’s definitely in the pipeline.


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